Calle San Martin - Piñipa S/N

Open daily 09:00 am to 07:30 pm

+51 984 647 408

Cusco and Rainbow Mountain

Cusco and Rainbow Mountain


The rainbow mountain or Winikunka is situated at 5036 meters above sea level, where can be appreciated the natural geological formation of a rainbow, those colorations are due to its mineralogical composition as they are: mudstones, quartz sandstones, claystone, fanglomerate and others.

Itinerary: South Valley, Sacred Valley, Machupicchu and Colourful Mountain

Day 01: Transfer airport-hotel free afternoon 

At your arriving, we will be waiting for you at the airport with a warm welcoming, after we will lead you to the hotel in order to receive the accommodation. You will have free time the rest of the day.

Day 02: South Valley of Cusco 

This day we will enjoy the visit of the south part of Cusco, to do it our start is from the hotel at 8:40 in the morning. The first point will be Tipon followed by Pikillacta, a pleasing site of the Culture Wari, finishing with the view of the colonial Temple of Andahuaylillas, returning to the city of Cusco at 14:30 hrs.

Day 03: The Sacred Valley of the Incas-overnight in Machupicchu 

This day we will pick you very early in the morning between 7:15 hrs to 7:30 am. The journey begins travelling 40 minutes approximately until arriving The Archaeological park of Pisaq, an ancient Inca city that was built following the design of animal shapes, the next point will be Ollantaytambo, a village that still have the urban design which was built by “Pachacuti” the ninth Inca. After we will go to the train station which is located 10 minutes walking from the archaeological centre of Ollantaytambo, then we will aboard the train that will take you to Machupicchu, at your arriving there will be a transfer (personal of the agency) waiting for you to lead you to your hotel in Aguas Calientes. 

Day 04: Machupicchu visit 

In the morning after breakfast we will go to the station bus to get our destiny the Inca citadel of Machupicchu, at the access your guide will meet you to enter the site and you will have 2 hours approximately of a guiding tour.

After enjoying and taking many photos to this marvel of the new world, you will get back to the bus station to take the shuttle bus down to Aguas Calientes, by afternoon we will go to the train station to return to Cusco.

Day 05: Rainbow mountain 

This day we will pick you up very early to start our adventure of trekking, we will trip in our touristic bus 1 hour and 30 minutes approximately, to get the restaurant for having a delicious breakfast, around 8:00 am, we will continue the trip for 1 hour more to get the start point of trekking, The walk to the Rainbow mountain will last 1 hour and 30 minutes approximately, once there in the top we will be able to take many photos and enjoy the scenery, after we will descend using the same route we came to get our transport, then we will return to the restaurant to have lunch and recover energy, finally by afternoon we will return to Cusco.

Day 06: Transfer hotel-airport 

Our adventure comes to end; we will pick you from the hotel to take you to the airport according to your flight departure. 


  • Transfers
  • Touristic transportation for all tours 
  • Tour guide 
  • All entrances
  • 4 nights hotel in Cusco 
  • 1 night hotel in Machupicchu
  • Breackfast in rainbow mountain
  • Lunch in Sacred Valley and rainbow mountain
  • Train tickets (expedition or Voyager)
  • Bus tickets to Machupicchu
  • Biosecurity protocols

Does not include:

  • Extra meals 
  • Travel ensurance
  • Fly Tickets

Price, minimum 2 persons: 

– 575.00 USD (3 star hotel)

– 515.00 USD (2 star hotel)

– 470.00 USD (Basic hotel)

From: $470.00

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