Calle San Martin - Piñipa S/N

Open daily 09:00 am to 07:30 pm

+51 984 647 408

Sacred Valley of the Incas and Machu Picchu

Sacred Valley of the Incas and Machu Picchu


Cusco is the ancient capital of the Incas declared as a world heritage by UNESCO, located in the Peruvian Andes, which were the settlement of the first civilizations as Huari, and Tiahuanaco, it is a festive town that offers religious celebrations where the most important are the ceremonies celebrated with venerations, dances, food and beberages, one particular and most important is The Inti Raymi festivity hold in June each year.

Itinerary: Sacred Valley of the Incas and Machu Picchu

Day 01: Transfer airport-hotel pm city tour 

At your arriving, we will be waiting for you at the airport with a warm welcoming, after We will lead you to the hotel in order to receive the accommodation. By afternoon we will pick you to visit our city. Our first attraction is the Cathedral of Cusco situated in the main square or Plaza de Armas, next We will visit The Temple of Qoricancha which is located two blocks from the main plaza or main square, continuing our tour We will go 2 kilometers outside of the city of Cusco to enjoy the archaeological sites as Saqsayhuaman, Qenqo, Puca Pucara and Tambomachay. The tour will finish around 18:30 hrs. 

Day 02: The Sacred Valley of the Incas 

This day we will pick you in the morning between 7:15 hrs to 7:30 am. The journey begins travelling 40 minutes approximately until arriving the archaeological park of Pisaq, an ancient inca city that was built following the design of animal shapes, the next point will be Ollantaytambo, a village that still have the urban design which was built by “Pachacuti” the ninth inca, finally we will make a stop in Chinchero where we will be able to appreciate the handcrafted weaving with dyed natural colors decorated with unique designs made by locals who still keep their ancestral customs, immediately we visit the archaeological part . We will return to Cusco at 19:30 hrs.  

Day 03: Machupicchu full day 

We will pick you up very early in order to travel 2 hours approximately until arriving the town of Ollantaytambo, where we will aboard the train which will take us to Aguas Calientes (Machupicchu), the trip will lasts 2 hours during the route you will be able to appreciate the corn plantations, and flora of the tropical jungle, when you arrive, there will be a person (our transfer ) who will help you to aboard the bus to get “The Lost City of The Incas Machupicchu”. At the access your guide will meet you to enter the site and you will have 2 hours approximately of a guiding tour.

After enjoying and taking many photos to this marvel of the new world, you will get back to the bus station to take the shuttle bus down to Aguas Calientes, by afternoon We will go to the train station to return to Cusco.

Day 04: Transfer hotel-airport 

Our adventure comes to end; we will pick you from the hotel to take you to the airport according to your flight departure 


  • Transfers
  • Touristic transportation for all tours 
  • Tour guide 
  • All entrances
  • 3 nights hotel in Cusco 
  • Train tickets (expedition or Voyager)
  • Bus tickets to Machupicchu
  • Lunch buffet in Sacred Valley  
  • Biosecurity protocols

Does not include:

  • Extra meals 
  • Travel ensurance
  • Fly Tickets 

Price, minimum 2 persons: 

– 470.00 USD (3 star hotel)

– 435.00 USD (2 star hotel)

– 420.00 USD (basic hotel)

From: $420.00

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